We know. Windows XP and Windows 7 might be old, however, they are still the #1 and #2 most popular versions of Microsoft Windows used. The reason they continue to beat their replacement versions is largely due to them being more easier to manage and use by users. Still, there are certain problems when it comes to them storing a lot of space on your hard drives with temporary files you do not need. Check out these great useful tips on deleting files on Windows XP or 7 below.
What Are Temp Files?
Many people either do not know or are unaware the vast number of space they are losing in their computer’s hard drives due to temporary files stored by Windows. Most are surprised to know that almost half of their disk size is wasted on temp files taking up space. But what exactly are temp files? Temporary files are used by our computer and laptops to provide more speed and function to the devices behind the scenes. Each time you use any Windows program, hundreds of thousands of duties are running behind the scenes which Windows performs. From creating, modifying and at times deleting them, these processes running help make Windows run faster and smoother. However, once you close the program, there are a great number of temp files left behind. After a few months, these files stack up and over a year, they can end up choking away Gigs of your hard drive’s space. Ironically, the same files created to help run Windows faster, can end up slowing it down due to lack of space.
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So How Do You Clean Them?
Windows has provided users with a very useful tool called “Disk Cleanup.” This tool can help you delete various temp files such as: Temporary Windows files. Temporary Internet Files and others. To use this tool simply:
- Click Start
- Click Programs (All Programs)
- Click on Accessories
- Click on System Tools
- Select Disk Cleanup
Or you can right-click on one or any of your hard drives (if you have more than one) in the Computer window and select Properties. (See image below)
Whichever you choose, your next step will bring up this window –
Be sure to select check or (Highlight) the following boxes (as we have done with RED ARROWS) –
Downloaded Program Files
Temporary Internet Files
Recycle Bin (If you have files there)
Temporary Files
Compress old files
You will get a warning asking you if you are sure you want to perform these actions.
Click on OK.
**NOTE that selecting compressed old files box will probably take a very long time, so be patient. Since these files have been accumulating for so long, it take several minutes. Still, it will be quite worth it as this will free up a lot of space.
More Ways To Clean Windows
There is also a great program called CCleaner which we highly recommend. With this awesome tool you can clean up even more junk and unnecessary files left behind on your PC or computer. Best of all, CCleaner is free to use and has a few other tools such as Registry cleaner and even Startup cleaner.
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Although hard drives have gotten bigger and bigger by the year as far as space, cleaning temporary files is very necessary, Not only for the space it will free up, but also, the very speed and performance of your computer.