Exploring Lossy vs. Lossless Audio

Exploring Lossy vs. Lossless Audio: a man on a sofa with headphones, listening to music

When it comes to digital music, you often hear about two main types: lossy and lossless audio. In the not-so-distant past, streaming platforms such as Amazon HD, Tidal, and Apple Music introduced lossless options, which begs the question: why all the fuss, and is it worth your attention? Today, we’re focusing on the captivating world of lossy vs. lossless audio to shed light on this intriguing topic!

What Exactly are Lossy and Lossless Audio?

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Lossless File Formats

It does not matter if you are making use of music, images, or plain video files; everyone needs to understand what various types of formats are and how to use them. By this we mean, by using the right format, you can retain a file’s audio and visual quality without making it too big in size.

Many people prefer to make use of lossless music files. Lossless are the files that reproduce exactly what you have on CD without any loss in quality.… Read the rest