Optimize Your Audio File Size

Optimize your audio file size. Laptop, headphones and a microphone on the desk.

Are you tired of dealing with large audio files that take too much space on your device or take too long to upload or download? Whether you are a podcaster, musician, or just someone who enjoys listening to high-quality audio – optimizing audio file size can make a significant difference. If you are looking to compress your audio files, but are not sure how to do that without compromising the quality, you have come to the right place!… Read the rest

What’s The Difference Between Baud Rate And Bitrate?

When talking about video and audio conversion, we have oftentimes stumbled across the mention of bitrate. It plays a big role in the quality of audio or video files and the compression of both respectively.

Does Bit Rate Matter? Test Yourself With These Audio Samples!

However, when you try to read up on different rates, you may have also stumbled upon a similar term: baud rate.


In order for you not to confuse these two, lets have a look at the differences between baud rate and bitrate.… Read the rest

Does Bit Rate Matter? Test Yourself! [Audio Examples]

If you have looked into audio or video files a bit more in-depth, you surely stumbled over the term bit rate. When you are creating or converting video and audio files, the bit rate plays a crucial role when it comes to the audio quality of your respective voice recording, music piece, movie, or video clip. Thus, we at Online-Convert.com decided to wrap up some information that you should know about bit rate!… Read the rest

How to Make a Video File Smaller

Everyone has a cell phone or some sort of electronic gadget which allows them to record just about everything these days. Furthermore, most of these devices now let you record the videos in HD format which can make them extremely huge in size. It is because of this that the size of the videos makes it almost impossible to upload and/or share via social media sites or with your friends and family.… Read the rest