On Online-Convert.com, we constantly keep on improving our service for you, our users. Today, we can present to you our newest addition to the long list of features you get for your online file conversion: custom presets!
Simple file conversion isn’t all you can do with the various converters. They also come with many different options you can apply. Now, you can save these options and re-use them on your other files. Check out the tutorial below!
Custom Conversion Options
There are a few things you should know before you start creating your own presets.
- You need to be logged in to use this new feature. You can easily get a free account though.
- Presets are saved for each converter and cannot (yet) be used for other converters.
- There is no list of presets in your dashboard yet, but we might add that if the demand is there.
How To Create Your Own Preset
Presets are available for all kinds of converters. In this tutorial, we will use an image converter, more precisely the PNG converter.
1. Upload your file, either by browsing your computer or using a cloud storage or link.
2. Enter all the optional settings you want to use. For our example, we want to create many images with a width of 500 pixels and the “Year 1980” image filter.
3. Below the settings, give the preset a name. If you leave this empty, the preset will not be saved.
4. Convert your file.
When you open the PNG converter again after you got your edited and converted file, you will now find a new option under the optional settings: Saved settings. There, all your presets for this particular converter are saved. Simply choose the one you want and you can use it for all kinds of conversions from now on!