There are countless reasons why you should always backup your computer files and none, of why you should not. Too many people make the mistake of waiting for something bad to happen before they fix it. Backing up computer files is often one of those mistakes made. However, in this day and age of so many options available, there is no excuse to not backup your system.
Retroactive Approach
Murphy’s law clearly states that anything that could go wrong, can go wrong and usually goes wrong. This means that having duplicate files of your most important work or information on your computer is not only essential, but necessary. Because every electronic gadget will one day break down or malfunction, the same applies to PC or computers. For that reason, using a retroactive approach is very important and wise. Using this approach will ascertain that you are one step ahead of any problems or issues before they happen.
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Reasons For Computer Problems
There are so many reasons for a person to experience computer problems which may cause themt lose all of their data. Backing up your important files should be done regularly because of all the different things that can go wrong. Issues, such as your computer crashing for no reason whatsoever, happen all the time. Some people have lost all of their data due to hard drives malfunctions. Most hard drives contain millions of sectors. Having just one of these sectors breakdown, can cause the entire hard drive to not start up or be unreadable. Always keep in mind that hard drives do not last forever and have a finite lifespan. In addition to these problems, you can lose all of your files on your laptop or PC via a virus or malware. With so many hackers out there trying to compromise your personal data, this is a very prevalent issue for a lot of computer owners. A virus or malware, can render your computer obsolete. Other issues to consider are also theft, fire and physical damage to your PC or laptop. Whichever may arise, having your files backed up before hand is highly recommended.
Data Backup Options
Those looking to backup their computer files have numerous options which easily allow them to do so. Depending on the size of your hard drive, you can do a partition on it. If you have a 500GB HD, then you can allocate about 250GB for storing all of your files there. The other half, can be used to run your operating system. By doing this, you can make sure if your operating system malfunctions or crashes, you will still be able to access the other hard drive. Now that there are USB flash drives of up to 1TB, you can always backup and save your important files using one of these devices as well.
Another way is via Cloud services such as Crashplan, IDrive or SOS Online Backup. Aside from protecting your data, this will also allow you to access your files remotely from anywhere in the world. It is like having a hard drive in the sky at your fingertips. Other options to consider are purchasing an extra hard drive. You can either buy an internal or external one. The latter will give you the option of taking your data anywhere as well. Most operating systems come with backup tools and options for saving files on them now. Both Windows and OS operating systems offer these to help you protect your data.
You may also want to read on the Differences Between Data Archiving vs Backup
No matter which option you choose to backup your computer files, the only way to make certain you will always have them is by backing them up. Avoid being like some people who wait until a burglar breaks into their home or business, before they decide to get an alarm or insurance. Be one step ahead of the problem and protect yourself and your data.