RAW vs. JPEG: Which Format is Right for You

A photographer taking shoots at sunset. RAW vs JPEG

The RAW vs. JPEG debate has raged on in the world of photography, with passionate advocates on both sides. While some swear by shooting in RAW, others find JPEG to be a more practical choice.

In this article, we will explore the key differences between RAW and JPEG formats, dispel any confusion, and discover how the emerging compressed RAW format could revolutionize your photography.

Understanding RAW and JPEG

RAW Format: Unprocessed Data

RAW files are the untouched, uncompressed data captured by your camera’s sensor.… Read the rest

Basic Workflow For RAW Image Files

Working with camera RAW files for beginners


Many new photographers are tired of being told to shoot RAW instead of JPEG. Pros kept telling them how RAW files contain more info and thus provide more leeway in recovering missing details and such.

One thing that these pros often forgot to tell the newbies is what the next step should be. Luckily we’re here for you and ready with the laid-out steps that you’ll need.

Basic Workflow for RAW Image Files

Copy the images

From the SD  card, copy the images to your hard drive.… Read the rest