When you want to improve your one business, you need to take advantage of as many approaches as possible. A long long time ago, having well-written webpage was enough. Well, not anymore.
One excellent way to improve your SEO rankings is using videos. There are so many success stories from businesses around the globe. It would be foolish for you not to try it.
So, what are the SEO benefits of videos?
In short, the flow goes like this: Good video => increases brand awareness => boosts backlinks and social shares => improves search engine rank
Increases brand awareness
This is especially important for startups. You want your potential customers to know that you exist and matter. Show them what you have to offer and that you’re ready for their business.
Spend quality time with your team to craft the best possible video. If you’re clueless about what you should put out there, just hire professionals. Publishing crappy video will do more damage than good to your brand.
If you do hire professionals to craft the video, remember that you have the final say. They’re the pros, but you’re still the boss of your business. Don’t let your one shot gets the same outcome as Bud Light’s 2016 Super Bowl ad. That political parody video was tacky and people just hated it regardless of their political views.
Boosts backlinks and social shares
So, what will happen when your brand awareness video finally goes viral? Well, the most common thing that usually happens is increased backlinks and shares on social media. This is essentially a side effect of the improved brand awareness. When you have bloggers noticing your brand, they will blog about it, link back to your website, and share it on their social media accounts.
“Do I still need to ask people to share the video?”
Yes, definitely. A gentle reminder on the video asking people to like, share, and visit your website is always a great thing to have in each and every video you make. It’s not mandatory but it sure won’t hurt.
Improves search engine rank
When your website has high-quality, diverse, and honest backlinks in large numbers coupled with a steady stream of social shares, it doesn’t have anywhere else to go in ranking but up.
Now, the real beauty of having your video goes viral is that the effect can last months and even years. Over that period, people will keep sharing and linking to your website which adds fresh backlink juice steadily.
But don’t stop at just videos!
You can also serve only the audio portion of the video separately. This way, people who prefer to just listen can still enjoy what you have to offer. This approach may not apply to all your videos, but it certainly something you should try. You can even publish those audio as podcasts to further improve your reach.
There are many audio formats suitable to distribute podcasts. Using an online audio converter, you can freely choose whichever format you prefer. We do recommend you convert your audio to MP3 as it is the widest acceptable format which guarantees the best distribution.