There’s nothing worse than having your cellphone’s battery die out on you. This is even more frustrating when you have no immediate means to recharge your phone. Since most of us use our smartphones to communicate, or as a backup to our computer or laptop, having access to it at all times is essential. The following 11 tips to extend your cell phone’s battery life will come in handy when you need extra minutes of battery power.
Dim That Screen
One of the biggest culprits for draining your cellphone’s battery, is your the bright screen on your device. Most smartphone screen displays today average between 4.5 inches, to 5.6 inches. With such big screens always on, the battery on your phone can die quickly. To save battery life, adjust your screen’s brightness. Many cellular phones already have an ‘auto display’ feature on them. You can click on it and this will save you lots of power.
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Adjust The Screen Timeout
Every time you use your phone, the amount of time the screen stays on after you finish using it, can vary. Adjusting your phone’s screen timeout, will easily save you a substantial amount of battery power as the day goes on. Some phones wait at least 5 to 10 minutes before the screen timeout feature kicks in. That is way too long if you are not using it, or have no need for the screen to remain on. Since every second counts and adds up, try adjusting your screen timeout to at least 30 to 15 seconds for Android phones. Unfortunately, on an iPhone, the minimum amount of time you can set the screen timeout to is 1 minute.
Turn Off Push Notifications
Apps love to notify us of anything and everything. However, receiving constant push notifications means turning your phone screen on to see them. Even if you don’t look at them, for each notification received, a ping sent from your smartphone back to the server. This, in turn, leads to battery drainage. Receiving email updates is one thing. But receiving Facebook notifications each time something happens, is not really necessary.
Kill Background Running Apps
One of the best features many smartphones are equipped with these days, is the ability to multitask. Be that as it may, multitasking can also end up burning loads of energy. Since the majority of apps you are using will need to access your device’s processor, the end results are large amounts of battery power losses. If you are not using apps, disable them, or stop them from running on your phone.
Use Airplane Mode
Unless you are expecting a call, putting your phone on airplane mode can save you some battery life. Since using Wi-Fi actually uses less power than a cell signal, you can use the Wi-Fi to keep in touch instead.
Avoid Dynamic Wallpapers
Having those 3-D or ‘Live Wallpapers’ on your cellphone’s screen is really cool and eye catching. However, it can also vastly drain your battery life. Instead, try using static images whenever you want to save some battery power.
Turn Off Unused Radios
GPS, Bluetooth and NFC capabilities on your phone are really great since they are so useful. This is because these radios connections have a purpose. Nevertheless, if you do not need them at the moment, it is best to turn them off to extend your smartphone’s battery life. Location based services, or apps that use locations services, can also be a huge waste of battery life. The same goes for Bluetooth and apps which use it as well. Turn off all the apps you do not really need having access to your location or radio services that you are not really using at all.
Protect Your Smartphone’s Temperature
Cellular phones do not perform very well under extreme low or high temperatures. Either severe cold or intense heat, can not only cause harm to your device, they can also end up draining your cellphone’s battery. Try to protect your phone in weather conditions that may be above or below normal circumstances.
Turn Off Wi-Fi
Yes, we know this may be one of those things most people cannot seem to be without; Wi-Fi. Still, just like other radio signals, Wi-Fi can end up draining the power of your battery quickly. This is because so many processes and apps use the Wi-Fi to connect. In those cases that you do not really need to have it on, turn the Wi-Fi signal off whenever you can.
Avoid Using Vibrate
The vast majority of people often times need to set their phone to vibrate rather than a loud ring. The downside of that though is that when your smartphone is on vibrate mode, it actually burns up more power; almost 70% more. If you do not want to be bothered by your ring tone, simply turn it off and keep it in view. This way, you can still see incoming calls, without losing any power.
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Use Power Saving Apps
While there are many applications which can drain the life of your phone really quickly, there are several out there which do the opposite. Installing a power saving app on your device can do wonders for both the speed of your phone and battery life. A great app called CleanMaster has a boost charging feature. When turned on, it can charge your phone in almost 3 times less the amount of normal charging mode. In addition, this app also has a great tool to kill most background running and power draining apps on your phone.