Activate/Unblock Automatic Downloads In Google Chrome

Google Chrome Automatic Downloads  

Google Chrome, Google’s popular browser, Allows you to adjust settings when it comes to downloads. This includes automatic downloads that you can add domains and websites and allow or block automatic downloads from them.

This tutorial will show you how to activate automatic downloads for pages like or similar from which you download frequently. Furthermore, we will show you how to block domains that you do not want to automatically download things onto your system.Read the rest

Save Vines — Quick & Easy Tutorial


Vines: 6 seconds that can make you laugh, cray or go “awwwh”.

In this article, we do not want to tell you how to upload videos to Vine (anyhow, here’s a tutorial on how to make your video smaller). No, today, we want to tell you how you can save a video from Vine all quick and easy. You do not need to download anything and it works for smartphones just as well as for tablets, computers or laptops!… Read the rest