With smartphones in the hands of people all over the world now, everyone uses them to communicate, especially via text messages. These tips on how to backup and save your text messages can be really helpful if send out a lot of SMS. Best of all, you can do so whether you use IOS or an Android device.
Sending out SMS messages is a great way to instantly stay in touch with friends and family members no matter where they are. But if you send out a lot of text messages – and most people do – chances are that they will start to add up and take up space quickly.
This is even more so since some people send out pretty long text messages. They also have extensive conversations with those they talk to via texts. Apart from taking up space on your phone, it is also prudent to be able to save your conversations just in case. You can lose your phone or something along those lines where you no longer have access to your history of conversations.
Luckily, there are several ways for you to be able to backup and save your text messages. Some tips require a bit more work or tech savvy than others. However, if you just want something really simple, then there are some ways below to do so as well.
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Using Gmail Account –
For those that have an Android device, backing up their text messages using their Gmail account it’s really simple. Moreover, being able to use this method allows users to use their Gmail account as an SMS storage vault.
The first thing you need to do is configure your Gmail account so that it can have IMAP access. That’s because the SMS backup process requires IMAP access to the Gmail account in order to work.
The second step is configuring the SMS backup using the App from the Google Play Store. Download the app and once it is installed you follow the screen info and features for toggling the process. You can do automatic backups if you prefer as well as other useful functions. The instructions are pretty basic and easy to follow.
Save Texts On iOS –
For those that have Apple iPhones or are using iOS, they can backup their SMS messages using iTunes. The process is simple to do since most Apple users are already quite familiar with the iTune app.
First, connect your phone or device to your computer and in iTunes, click the icon which corresponds to your device.
Once you see the section labeled ‘Backups’ on the Summarytab, click on the ‘Manually Back Up and Restore‘ option. Select the ‘Back Up Now‘ option and you are done.
Once your text messages are saved, you can then simply use iExplorer to access all of your backed up SMS.
Use Other Apps –
For some people who don’t really want to use either of the options above, they can simply choose to use different applications. There are several apps available both for Android and iOS devices which help you save your SMS messages. Some of those apps are My Backup Pro, MySMS and Morobobo. Keep in mind those are all for Android devices. Apple has SMS Export and iMobie AnyTrans apps for their users, among others.
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No matter what device, app or tactic you use to save your SMS messages, backing them up is something everyone should do. Some people wait until the lose their devices to begin to inquire oh how to do so. By then, it is already too late for the older messages you had on your device since they will be lost. Take a proactive approach, think ahead and backup your SMS text messages today.