Optimize Videos For Sending Them On Viber


Nowadays, much of our conversation shifts away from phone calls and e-mails and towards instant messaging. Some apps are more popular than others, but that often comes at the cost of privacy. If you don’t trust the hype around WhatsApp, have you considered trying Viber?

If you and your friends want to give this WhatsApp alternative a try, you can send text messages and images just like you are used to.… Read the rest

Tips On How To Backup And Save Your Text Messages

With smartphones in the hands of people all over the world now, everyone uses them to communicate, especially via text messages. These tips on how to backup and save your text messages can be really helpful if send out a lot of SMS. Best of all, you can do so whether you use IOS or an Android device.

Sending out SMS messages  is a great way to instantly stay in touch with friends and family members no matter where they are.Read the rest