Exploring Lossy vs. Lossless Audio

Exploring Lossy vs. Lossless Audio: a man on a sofa with headphones, listening to music

When it comes to digital music, you often hear about two main types: lossy and lossless audio. In the not-so-distant past, streaming platforms such as Amazon HD, Tidal, and Apple Music introduced lossless options, which begs the question: why all the fuss, and is it worth your attention? Today, we’re focusing on the captivating world of lossy vs. lossless audio to shed light on this intriguing topic!

What Exactly are Lossy and Lossless Audio?

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Optimize Your Audio File Size

Optimize your audio file size. Laptop, headphones and a microphone on the desk.

Are you tired of dealing with large audio files that take too much space on your device or take too long to upload or download? Whether you are a podcaster, musician, or just someone who enjoys listening to high-quality audio – optimizing audio file size can make a significant difference. If you are looking to compress your audio files, but are not sure how to do that without compromising the quality, you have come to the right place!… Read the rest

Will MP3 Prevail?


Experts have been saying that MP3 is on its last legs for years. And yet, MP3 remains the de-facto standard when it comes to music files format. Even with the advent of higher-quality encodings such as AAC and FLAC, people still run to MP3 when they want to download their favorite songs.

Will MP3 Prevail?

Very likely, yes. People who enjoy listening to music are mostly not die-hard audiophiles.… Read the rest