How to Convert DALL-E 3 WebP Images to JPG or PNG

DALL-E 3 WebP Images: a woman converting images on her laptop

If you’ve been using OpenAI’s DALL-E 3 lately, you might have noticed a change. Instead of the usual PNG or JPEG files, it’s now providing WebP files when you download your creations. Frustrating, right? But don’t worry, converting DALL-E 3 WebP to JPEG or PNG is easy!

Why DALL-E 3 Is No Longer Providing PNGs or JPEGs?

So, why the sudden shift away from PNGs and JPEGs? Well, WebP files do have their merits:

  • Enhanced Compression: WebP utilizes advanced compression techniques, delivering images 25-34% smaller than PNGs without sacrificing quality.
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