On Online-Convert.com, we make sure that you are in the best hands for all your file conversion needs. There are many day-to-day problems that can be solved by simply converting your file, no matter if it’s a document, image, video, ebook or audio file.
Today, we will give you the solution to some problems that can be solved by a simple conversion: convert PDF to JPG. Why? And most importantly, how? Read on to find the answers.
Why Would You Convert PDF To JPG?
Before we jump into the tutorial, let’s answer this question first. Why would you want to turn your PDF document(s) into images in the first place?
The uses for PDFs turned into JPG, PNG or another image file are as diverse as the people seeking to do so. Here are some ideas or inspirations as to why you might prefer a JPG image over the document you already have.
- Sharing: PDF documents can be opened by many programs and browsers, but sometimes, uploading and sharing an image is much more convenient, for example, to use it as a thumbnail or on social media
- Editing: While there are many possibilities to edit PDF documents, for some things, an image editing program can be much more useful and some of them do not support PDF files while JPG is always supported
- Videos: If you want to show a specific part of a document in a video, you may want to consider converting it to JPG since many video editing programs have better support of images tan document files – if at all
PDF To JPG Tutorial
Now, with no further ado, on to the tutorial.
1. Go to the JPG converter (or another image converter, if you prefer another image format such as PNG)
2. Upload your file from your hard drive, a cloud storage or by using a URL
3. Click on “Convert file”
If you want to use additional settings such as enhancing the image quality or changing their size, you can use the settings. If not, you can simply ignore them.
4. Wait until your PDF is converted
If your PDF document contains only one page, the download of the converted JPG image will start automatically. If the PDF has several pages, you can now download them individually or all together as a ZIP archive.
While JPG is the most popular and most common image format for many years, you might need another image file format instead. Online-Convert.com provides a large number of different image converters. Check them out, if you need a PNG, TIFF, GIF or another image instead. The conversion works exactly like we showed in the tutorial above.