eBooks are the perfect way to take not only one, but several books with you wherever you go. To the gym, on vacation, during commuting, … Hardcover and paperback books become heavy and get dinged when crammed in an already packed bag or briefcase. eBooks quickly became the lighter, popular alternative in these and even more cases.
With the growing popularity, more and more eBook readers came to the market. They are constantly improved and developed for our reading pleasure. That also means that the requirements concerning electronic books are changing.
At Online-Convert.com, we make sure that you get the perfect eBook for your eReader!
Optimize eBooks For Your eReader
If you hear “eBook reader” you surely immediately think of the Amazon Kindle. Yet, there are many other e-reading devices out there. For example the PocketBook or the Nook from Barnes & Noble. Certain countries or areas even have their own eReaders; the Tolino in central Europe, for example.
And that’s not where the variety ends. Amazone alone has released over 15 versions of the Kindle since the very first one. eBook files have to keep up with these changes and developments in order to be viewed correctly on the new and old devices alike.
Read more about the most popular eBook formats.
Luckily, there is an easy way to ensure that your device is able to open an eBook in the best way possible: eBook reader specifications.
eBook Reader Presets
Online-Convert provides you a way to convert eBooks and other documents into different, common eBook formats. This is often needed as not all eBook readers can open all eBook files. For example, many popular eReaders cannot open AZW files, the go-to eBook format from Amazon.
That means you need to find out which eBook files your eReader can open. On the individual converters for the eBook file, you can then choose your eReader as the “Target ebook reader” to optimize the file for your device in particular.
Check the tables below. If you find your eReader there, you will immediately find the format you need as well:
AZW3 | EPUB | FB2 | LIT |