10 Benefits To Using Cloud Services

A decade or so ago, none of us could have ever imagine that we would be able to store our files in a virtual ‘cloud’ someday. Yet that is exactly what has transpired with the invention of cloud computing services. These days, there are many advantages to storing your files on a cloud server. The only questions for those that are not making use of the cloud is why not and what are you waiting for?… Read the rest

Differences Between Data Archiving vs Backup



Computers, cellphones and other electronic gadgets are omnipresent and thus the growth of the amount of data which we accumulate each day increases. This is why it is very important to know the differences between data archiving vs backup. Which is better for you and which method should you choose are some of the questions answered in this guide.





What Is Data Archiving?


With the explosions of social media sites, streaming services and so many other things which we are able to do Online these days, it is very easy to fill up our devices with data very quickly.Read the rest