The Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac Users

Mac laptop on a white table; useful keyboard shortcuts for Mac

Most Mac users are probably familiar with the key shortcuts on their devices. Command-C means copy. Command-V means paste. However, if you are using macOS, there is a bunch of other useful shortcuts that will make your life so much easier. So, which are the most useful keyboard shortcuts for Mac users? Find out more about them below. You will wish you had known about them before!

The List of Keyboard Shortcuts for macOS Users

For most avid Mac users, using the mouse is no longer obligatory.… Read the rest

Neat Windows Keyboard Hacks

Navigating through Windows, your documents and the web has become more and more easy with every new discovery in web technology and computer handling. Yet, are you making full use of it all?

We have gathered some neat tricks and hacks you can use easily with either your keyboard or mouse. Use those shortcuts and tricks to become faster when browsing or to get rid of some unnecessary extra steps!


Browser Hacks

The following hacks use on most browsers like Firefox, Chrome and Edge.… Read the rest