For new writers getting enough reviews for their new eBooks is a matter of life and death. Well, maybe we’re exaggerating a bit, but it sure comes close.
Promoting and selling a book requires a different skill set compared to the ones needed in writing it. It’s no surprise many new writers are frustrated when they can’t make as many sales as they hoped initially.
How to Get More Reviews for Your eBook
The most common method you hear is to set up a mailing list. Unfortunately, it’s kind of too late now that you already have the book published. You should’ve made that list long before your book is done. Six months prior, if you will.
Don’t worry, though. We have compiled some other proven methods you can try to muster more reviews and improve the popularity of your eBooks.
Turn to FaceBook
Yeah, yeah, FaceBook is losing market share and everything. That said, it’s still loaded with users — hundreds of millions of them.
Go and find FaceBook groups related to your niche. For example, if your eBook is about gardening, join some groups related to gardening and stuff. Be sure to introduce yourself properly and contribute to the discussion and whatnot before you ask people to review your eBook.
Asking people for a review out of the blue to give their opinions about your new eBook will most likely result in a backlash. Get familiar with everybody first, OK?
Reach out to book bloggers
Look for bloggers within your genre or theme. Pitch them with the best parts of your eBook and ask them to check out the rest. Be sure to check their previews reviews so you can offer your heartfelt compliment on their past works.
What’s that? You don’t want to read their reviews because it takes too much time?
Well, good luck on getting your eBook reviewed. You’re going to need lots of it. You can bet those reviewers are swamped by generic emails asking them to review new ebooks and more. You know… the kind of email you’re planning to send…?
Honestly folks, why would you want your books reviewed by someone whose work you’ve never checked out before. That’s madness.
Anyway, giving free copies of new eBook to avid reviewers has been a proven way to get honest reviews. There are numerous book bloggers out there always on the lookout for new and fresh writers.
Add your eBook on book reviewer directory
Book reviewer directory such as BookSirens or TeamGolfWell. Just Google for “book review directory” and see what comes up. New ones are popping up from time to time so you most likely won’t have.
It is important to note that you must make your eBook available in ALL formats. Don’t make your potential reviewers go through extra hoops to read it. People hate that.
If they have to convert your book to their preferred format, they won’t even bother. They’re legitimately busy people with better things to do and places to be.
“What if I get poor reviews?”
Then fix what you need to fix. One of the biggest mistakes a writer can make when asking for reviews is a misrepresentation, i.e. what you promise on your pitch does not reflect the content of your books.
All said, you can still make a sale without reviews. There are adventurous souls out there who would buy an eBook written by an unknown author. Of course, you can sell many more copies once the reviews roll in. Be sure to give the methods above a try, OK?