The basic and general features of a file converter, whether it’s a software tool you have to install on your computer or whether it’s an online service, are mostly the same: You upload a file and convert it into another format, either because you can’t open the initial file, because you want to reduce the file size to send it over the internet, or because you want to send it to people that may not be able to open the original file format.

These conversions mostly happen inside a certain category or type of file formats, e.g. from one image file format to the other, or from one document to a different type of document. Yet, there is something else our online converter service can do for you, and it all falls under the term Cross-Converting.
Cross Converting entails that you can not only convert your audio file into another audio file, but that you can actually convert across file types. Converting a movie file into music, or an image into PDF are only a few possibilities. This article will show you many different options of cross converting your files, creating many new possibilities for you!
Extract audio from a video
Sometimes, it’s hard to get your hands on certain movie background music, or the tracks on the OST or Score do not really convey the feel they had when heard in the movie because certain background sounds have been missing. Or maybe there is an interesting part of a speech or monologue from a recorded lecture or speech you want to extract.
The Solution: If you are just interested in the audio data from a video, you can easily extract it by converting the movie file into MP3, WAV, or some other audio file like Apple iTune’s AAC.
Create audio from a document
There are different ways to learn, and next to reading and repeating, listening is a big part of the remembering process. Furthermore, at times it’s difficult to find the time to read your lecture notes, online articles, or even longer correspondence that include a lot of information – especially when you’re on the road a lot.
The Solution: Convert your PDF or Microsoft Word documents into an audio file format, preferably MP3 because it’s supported by most audio playing devices and mobile phones. This way, you can listen to your notes and writings, rewind, repeat, and memorize the information even better.
Extract text from a picture
Another very popular way of taking notes is taking a quick photo of blackboard notes or presentation slides. But what if you want to use the text to alter or insert somewhere? There is an easier way than copying the text from the picture by writing it down yourself.
The Solution: Depending on the quality of the photo you have taken, it can be converted into a TXT or DOC file which gives you the text of whatever has been on the picture.
The easy way to make a presentation
Holding a presentation is so much easier when you have just one file with all the information on it instead of having to switch in between pictures, texts, audio, screenshots, and video.
The Solution: If you have your notes already prepared in a text document or even saved as PDF, you are only one click away from converting your document into a PowerPoint presentation.
Also: It works the other way round as well though. By converting PPT or PPTX files into PDF, you can get not only a printer friendly version, but you can also ensure that most people are able to open and vie your presentation.
Animated GIFs
Animated GIFs are one trend on the internet that will never completely die out, being revived again and again. Yet, not everybody is skilled in the art of creating such animated pictures, and not everybody has the programs necessary to make them.
The Solution: A very easy way of creating an animated GIF is to convert your MP4 or other video file. If you upload a larger movie file, only the beginning will be converted into an animated GIF, so the most convenient way is to cut the video into the portions you want to be “giffed” and upload them individually, creating an receiving the animated pictures you wanted.
From document to eBook
Another great way of memorizing your notes and rereading them is a very paper saving one as well. Most people take notes in lectures, talks, or meetings on their laptop nowadays, but it can be annoying and impractical to carry it with you whenever you want to re-read on what has been talked about. Printing all the notes isn’t a very convenient option either.
The Solution: Convert Microsoft Word or OpenOffice documents into an eBook format. The purpose of eReaders is to store books and other papers in a space and paper saving way. Furthermore, they re very light and easy to take with you, with a library option to quickly find the notes you need.
Present your Design projects
Creating a design project for your customers is linked to quite some struggles. One is faced when you want to present your progress or suggestions to your customers. It is very likely, that they can not open your vector graphic or EPS, PSD, or DWG file.
The Solution: Converting your special image files into JPG or even PDF makes it easy and convenient for your customers to look at the design you made for them. Furthermore, the conversion will leave your original file untouched!
And there’s more…
These are only the most common and most popular Cross Conversion features online conversion tools can offer. If there are any more features you would like to see implemented concerning Cross Conversion, feel free to contact our support team. We are constantly striving to better our service for you, and suggestions made are always welcome.